Art Project

@ Sloan's Lake Maintenance Yard

Michael Ritchie was happy to report that his PSYAH art grant application for enhancing the appearance of the maintenance facility in the southwest corner of Sloan's Lake Park was approved. He was awarded $10,000 for the project. Councilman Rafael Espinoza provided a letter of support and pledged an extra $3,333 for the project. The Ladies Fancywork Society, which uses knitted yarn for projects, will be involved in artistically decorating the chain link fence surrounding the maintenance yard. Students at Colfax and Brown Elementary Schools and Lake Middle School will also be involved in the project.

The Ladies' Fancywork Society has begun work on the art project to cover the chain link fence surrounding the maintenance yard at Sloan's Lake Park. They will be creating a crocheted underwater background, and students from Lake, Cheltenham, Colfax, and Brown will be creating replicas of underwater animals to add to the background. Saturday, May 18, has been designated as the date for the students to install their part of the project. A celebration with refreshments will be held in conjunction with the installation.